As expected, new pains from running have appeared! So should I quit and go back to my bicycle? It is not realistic to expect that there won’t be any injuries from running, or from any other sport. More likely I am at fault for just hitting the road without any technique or education in the subject. One thing is for sure, I can not afford a coach so I am left to the zillions articles and books written on this matter.
What better place to start than where it hurts! Two places for now, the shin and the outside point of the hip. So what causes pain in this area? Do I have a very bad running form? While running at the local community college track, I watched people running. The mechanics looks all the same to me. To my untrained eye there is no difference to how I run. Hmm… So everybody is on pain?
Years ago I read an article about the “Pose” running method. Truly I found it very hard to learn. The article concluded by recommending hiring a coach and being patience! Up to two years patience! I won’t even try to ask my wife for budget approval for a coach so I am on my own here!
Back to the pain areas! I found that the “
shin” pain is the result of forces from the rolling motion as the foot propels or take off. (Sorry I am not good describing these things) and the outside hip pain or what I think it could be “
Hip Bursitis” (Here is where the Docs start laughing).
Few days ago as I was describing my newly interest of running to a friend, who is a runner! He mentioned that he came across an article that describes running injuries. This article was about a method called the “Chi running technique”. While Chi running is also hard to learn I found it quite more simple than the Pose technique. Something really cached my attention, it describes the mechanics of running as follow: the Shin pain as a result of propelling with very small muscles and a variety of other pains by landing with the heel, or basically “applying the brakes” with every running step.
So here is a very simple test: take a few steps and try to stop walking by landing your last step with your mid foot. Or even more interesting start running and try again! Does not work ha? You need to land with your heal to stop! So why run and apply the brakes at the same time? The “Chi running technique” sounds simple but is not. To begin with, you look very weird trying to mimic the technique, plus is very hard to even complete one cycle. Now here is another question: What negative effects Chi running could have? What happens when you land with your mid foot? Well, since I am not in a rush to get anywhere with my running I will play a bit with this. Here are couple articles on this matter.
Questions on Running Chi Runners Poised for Softer Landings
Have a safe ride or run!